The risk of severe weather is not a good reason to decimate Nature! But that is what LIPA and other officials are saying.
Don't succumb to the anti-environment hysteria and hype; Help protect, preserve, defend, and enhance Nature.
As discussed on our Hurricane Sandy page devoted to trees falling due to easily discoverable decay Click Here -- a dominant reason for tree instability -- many of the houses struck -- in fact all we found and photographed -- suffered damage that did not result in collapse or severe compromise of the houses. Reportedly in a very small handful of cases it did, but that was apparently very rare -- equal to say gas and water lines rupturing and should not form the basis for the hysteria that has led to calls to abandon the tree preservation laws in East Hills and elsewhere. Trees -- like Canada geese -- are a voiceless, defenseless target. Our War on Nature must give way to a war on environmental destruction, greed, selfishness, over-consumption, ignorance, and arrogance. Then our planet, and the living creatures who depend on this environment, will have the future they deserve. Do your part! Speak up and participate in policy-making, in East Hills and elsewhere. Contact me for help -- Richard Brummel, rbrummel (AT) att (DOT) net. (1/2/13)

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.

East Hills, New York: October 30, 2012: House struck by tree but essentially intact after Hurricane Sandy.
